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Dr Des Fernandes on Reparing Sun Damage in *Hello!* Magazine

Dr Des Fernandes on Reparing Sun Damage in Hello! Magazine

Monday 8th August 2016

We were really excited to see the founder of Environ Dr. Des Fernandes featured in Hello! magazine and getting his message about Vitamin A out there across the UK!

He told Hello! Magazine:
"I always advise a double dose of vitamin A, first internally, then externally. It's the only vitamin that the skin uses to actually repair sun damage immediately-it can take the redness and pain out of sunburn overnight."

By taking skin vitamins orally as well as applying them topically on the skin, you are able to feed the lowest layer of the skin called the dermis and dramatically enhance your skincare results.

AVST 1 is a light daily moisturiser containing potent formulas of Vitamin A, C and E as well as Green Tea Extract.

Skin looks radiant, redness is reduced and hydration is boosted.

AVST 1 and Skin Vit A are available to purchase at Heavenly Green