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*How to prepare your skin for Autumn *

How to prepare your skin for Autumn

Monday 5th September 2016

As Summer draws to an end, our skin will be facing a period of change.

Having to adapt to colder temperatures, harsher weather conditions and central heating, Autumn can be pretty tough on your skin!

Here our Heavenly Green's top tips for surviving Autumn with your face in tact...

1. Make time for your daily skin routine

Deciding on a skincare routine that fits your lifestyle can help maintain your skin health.
Flitting from brand to brand, forgetting to remove make up properly or not moisturising are just some of the problems we hear on a daily basis in the salon.
Think of your skincare like a healthy diet, the odd cheat day won't matter, but a lifestyle of bad choices will ultimately lead to poor skin health.

2. Get your daily dose of Vitamins
Vitamins are essential to maintaining a healthy skin. Pay particular interest to Vitamin A, known as the skin vitamin it
Nourishes the skin
Works as a natural exfoliater
Protects the skin
Strengthens the skin
Detoxes the skin
Balances oil production
Stimulates collagen and elastin production
Locks moisture into the skin
Protects the skins immunity
Normalises pigmentation

If that is not reason enough to get some vitamin A in your life, studies have also shown that a skin rich in vitamin A Is less likely to get skin cancer.

We love the AVST range from Environ, packed full of vitamin A.

3. Maintain hydration levels
Cold weather. central heating and harsh winds can all dry out skin leaving it feeling rough and damaged. Moisturise your skin from the inside out by drinking plenty of water and avoiding caffine which can dehydrate the skin.

4. Monthly Facials
The skin is in a constant cycle of repairing itself, with skin cells rejuvenating themselves every 28 days. Facials can help to give you a boost when you need it most,
We love the Enivron Active Vitamin Facail which uses the freshest most potant forulas of vitamins A and c to penetrate deep within the lowest layers of the skin. Click here to find out more