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Don't give the game away...Top tips for younger looking hands

Don't give the game away...Top tips for younger looking hands

Tuesday 4th October 2016

So you cleanse, tone and moisturize to within an inch of your life. You attend regular facial appointments and drink 2 liters of water a day, your face is looking fabulous and no one knows your real age, until you give the game away... your HANDS!

Many a botox ridden plastic surgery clad celeb has been caught out with a handshake. Your hands age faster than your face, yet they are often forgotten when it comes to skincare. Our hands go through a lot, from cleaning with harsh chemicals to being exposed to UV rays with no SPF protection.

Follow our quick how to guide on putting a stop to aging hands.


Sun protection is the ultimate in preventing aging hands. Sun spots, pigmentation, wrinkles, dry chicken like skin you name it, the sun does it. I am constantly surprised at how many expensive hand creams simply don't contain an SPF. To me, its just as important to protect my hands from the sun as it is my face. I just adore Jane Iredales Hand Drink and use it religiously every day. It protects against UVA and UVB rays with an SPF of 15 and natural anti oxidants which combat cancer causing free radicals. All with the gorgeous scent of rose and apple extract which brightens and evens skin tone.


Sometimes in the depths of winter applying a hand cream daily isn't enough to keep dry rough hands at bay. Here at Heavenly Green our manicures utilize the healing powers of paraffin wax as an extremely nourishing and hydrating treatment. Hands are bathed in warm liquid wax and placed in heated mitts which relaxes muscles, increases blood flow, relives joint and arthritis pain as well as intenstively moisturizing cuticles. Click here for more information about our manicures here


Exfoliating your hands not only increases blood flow which brings fresh oxygen and nutrients to the skin, it also helps buff away dull looking dead skin cells. This leaves brighter softer feeling hands which will readily absorb hand cream.

Nail Care

Taking care of your nails and cuticles instantly refreshes the look of tired hands and gives them a more youthful appearance. Long witchy like nails with chipped polish and overgrown cuticles are never flattering. A well shaped and nourished nail with a fresh coat of polish or a simple base coat transforms your overall look. Cuticle oil can be an absolute savior in the Winter and our favourite is Jessica Phenomen Oil an easily applied oil which contains Vitamin E, Jojoba and Sweet Almond Oil.

Wear Gloves When Cleaning

It is the oldest rule in the book but when it comes to cleaning, you need to wear gloves. The harsh chemicals in household cleaning products are strong enough to take paint off walls, so you can only imagine what they do to your skin and nails. They can also change the pH level of your skin which leaves them feeling dry, tight and makes them more penetratable to bacteria. I discuss skin pH levels on my previous blog post here

There are also various treatments which can be used to treat damage that has already occurred to the hands. High levels of Vitamin C and Vitamin A can hep reduce the appearance of pigmentation as well as more invasive treatments such as IPL.

Prevention is better than cure, so protect your hands now ladies.