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*10 Tips for Senstive Skin Sufferers*

10 Tips for Senstive Skin Sufferers

Monday 28th November 2016

Winter can be a nightmare for those who suffer with sensitive skin. Cold weather, dry air from central heating and harsh winds can all make your skin feel a little more sensitive.

The characteristics and symptoms of a sensitive skin include :

  • Dry, itchy patches of red scaly skin.
  • Frequent reactions to topical products, foods, alcohol and environment.
  • Warm red patches of skin that seem to appear for no reason.
  • Small bumps or pimples under the skin.

Reasons for a sensitive skin can vary from person to person, however hormones, diet and skincare ingredients can all play a big part in sensitivity.

Ladies going through the menopause or who are pregnant or are on a new form of hormonal contraception may find they react to products that they previously never reacted too. This is due to the imbalance of oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

Wheat, Dairy and Sugar can all cause inflammation in the body, which in turn can create a more reactive skin that feels warm to the touch. We all know the infamous rosy cheeks that one glass too many can give you!

Battling against sensitive skin can feel like its never ending, so here are our top 10 tips to help you survive this Winter!

1. Go fragrance free
Lots of skincare ranges fragrance their products to make them more appealing to a consumer, however when dealing with sensitive skin these are a big no no. Fragrances can irritate due to the alcohol content in them so always try to avoid when possible.

2. Don't mix and match your skincare
Whilst all companies will always encourage you to stick to just their brand, when it comes to sensitive skincare it can be for good reason. Ingredients in different brands may react with one another, causing you to suffer unnecessarily.

3. Natural may not always be best
People are often under the misconception that natural skincare means less chance of reaction. Whilst this may be true In some cases, often natural products can contain ingredients that can cause reactions just the same as synthetic products.

4. Don't go overboard
Often when we purchase new skincare, we are so excited to try it that we use it more frequently than it suggests or use too much product. Whilst the majority of the time this can be overlooked, with sensitive skin it may be the cause of your reaction. Lots of products contain highly potent levels of vitamins which are fabulous for your skin in small doses, but just the same as everything else in life, moderation is key. Applying too much vitamin A for example, can cause a retinoid reaction which presents itself as red bumps, itchiness and dryness.

5. Be careful when cleansing
Using a highly astringent cleanser that is foamy and alkaline can mess with your skins delicate natural pH level, which in turn leaves your skin open to bacteria and more reactive. Cleansers should never leave your skin feeling tight or dry after, and if they do you should stop using immediately as it will be stripping your skin of it's natural oils and removing it's protective acid mantle. There is more on skin pH in our recent blog post here

6. Stay away from granular exfoliators
Just like rubbing sandpaper on an open wound, granular exfoliators on a sensitive skin will only cause the area to become more sensitive. When dealing with a reactive skin, cut exfoliating down to once a week and use gentle micro granules or chemical exfoliators rather than harsh products.

7. Limit your alcohol, sugar and caffeine intakes
Alcohol can make even the toughest of skins appear red, and combined with its diuretic effect and high sugar content it is the "perfect storm for a reaction."

8. Keep yourself and your skin hydrated
Dry skin can react more easily than hydrated skin, so give yourself a running chance and don't get dehydrated. Drink plenty of fluids and ensure you moisturise your skin at least 2 twice a day. You can always apply facial hydrating spritzes in the middle of the day if you feel your skin getting tight or itchy.

9. Use SPF ( Yes I know it's not sunny!)
Sun protection is vital all year round whether you can see the sun or not. Bright artificial lights still emit UV rays which are not only aging on the skin but can increase skin sensitivity. A minimum of SPF 15 should be worn daily to protect skin adequately.

10. Antioxidants
Antioxidants are vital when dealing with skin issues as they literally combat free radicals which can cause cancer amongst other things. They help protect your skin from harsh environmental factors and prevent early aging.