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*Bust Your Cellulite in time for Summer! *

Bust Your Cellulite in time for Summer!

Monday 9th January 2017

It's safe to say that Christmas is the time to overindulge and have fun, but come January the guilt of the festive season can hit you like a tonne of bricks.

If going to the gym and starving yourself isn't your thing, we have a few options to help you feel better on the inside, so you can glow on the outside.

Cellulite affects thousands of women, in fact approx. 95% of women will have some form of cellulite on their body. Despite rumours, it doesn't favour the curvy girls it affects slender ladies just as much, as it is hereditary.

There are 3 types of cellulite :

  • Adipose Cellulite is the firm cellulite, dimpled effect on loose skin.
  • Oedematous Cellulite is fluid retention, soft cellulite often on loose skin.
  • Fibrotic Cellulite is hard, compact cellulite with dimpled effect.

Cellulite often forms in areas which have poor circulation, which in women can be the buttocks, thighs and back of arms.
Regular exercise helps to stimulate blood flow and brings fresh oxygen and nutrients to the tissues meaning toxins get removed from the body quicker.

Hormones can also play a part in the onset of cellulite with oestrogen being the main culprit.

Whilst topical creams are great for helping the with appearance of the skin, often more rigorous treatment is necessary for results to be more noticeable.

Regular massage stimulates blood flow, reduces water retention and helps the body to detox itself naturally.

CACI ECM ( Electro Cellulite Massager) offers a more targeted approach to cellulite management. Using an electrical current combined with stimulating massage techniques ECM helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite by breaking down the fatty deposits and reducing water retention. Results can be seen in as little as one treatment but a course is required for effects to be seen long term.

As with any skin condition, cellulite is best treated internally as well as externally.
Using supplements that rev up the metabolism, help the body to burn fat and balance your blood sugar can help you maximise results.

Our salon favourite is Metabolic Support which contains Garcinia Cambogia Fruit with Chromium and B Vitamins to help maintain a healthy metabolism.

We also love Skinade which is a collagen and vitamin drink which firms and tones the skin giving you a plumper and rejuvenated appearance.
As with any supplement taken internally, it works all over the body on all areas of the skin, not just where you apply it.

Stimulating the body on a daily basis using a body brush can help the skin to exfoliate itself naturally, improve blood circulation and break down stubborn fatty deposits especailly on the buttocks and thighs.
2-3 minutes a day is enough followed by a vitamin A rich cream or oil will help to rehydrate and nourish your skin.

CACI ECM - £35
Course of 10 £315 (Pay for 9 get one free)